Skullgirls Wiki

Keep Skullgirls Growing! is the name of Skullgirls' Indiegogo fundraising campaign, held to support the creation of new DLC characters for the game. Held from February 25 to March 27, 2013, the fundraiser pulled in a staggering $828,768, enabling Lab Zero Games to continue their work on Skullgirls far into 2014.



Keep Skullgirls Growing!

Due to unfortunate circumstances, the entirety of the Skullgirls team was laid off early during Squigly's development, meaning work on her ended entirely for a period of several months. After the Skullgirls fan-base managed to raise over $80,000 for Skullgirls to go to EVO, Lab Zero unveiled what was finished of Squigly, and announced their intentions to start a crowd-funding donation drive to complete her and potentially fund even more characters down the road.



Budget breakdown of the fundraising campaign.

Fundraising for Squigly began on February 25, and in less than 24 hours the campaign goal was met. Throughout the remainder of the fundraiser, the community continued to hit stretch goals, allowing the development team to add in new characters, stages, story modes, voice packs, and more.

Goals Reached[]

Igg stretch goal bar-1-

Completed stretch goals.

Considered DLC Characters[]

Successful DLC characters[]



  • Among the characters that were considered possible DLC that weren't chosen during the campaign, Annie, Umbrella, Black Dahlia and Marie were later made into DLC characters exclusive to the season 1 pass of Skullgirls 2nd Encore years after Robo-Fortune was released.
    • Juju was planned to appear in the game as a character, but is now no longer considered canon due to her creator breaking a Non-Disclosure Agreement hours after learning that they were gonna be put in the game.
    • Minette, Brain Drain and Roxie were later made into exclusive Guest Stars characters in Skullgirls Mobile, among the considered characters.

External links[]


Main Editions SkullgirlsSkullgirls EncoreSkullgirls 2nd Encore
Spin-offs Skullgirls Mobile
Initial Roster Filia (Samson) • CerebellaPeacock (Avery) • ParasoulMs. FortunePainwheelValentineDouble
Encore DLC Squigly (Leviathan) • Big BandFukuaEliza (Sekhmet) • BeowulfRobo-Fortune
2nd Encore DLC Season 1: Annie (Sagan) • UmbrellaBlack DahliaMarie
Other AdamAeonAileenAlbusAmeliaAndy AnvilBeatrixBertBrain DrainChristmasDelilahDogDr. AvianDr. GeigerEasterEliEvelynFengFerdinandFlorenceGeorge BombGraberGrendelHallowHiveHoraceHubrechtIleumIrvinIsaacKing FranzKing GilgameshLawrenceLeducLeonLonesome LennyLorenzoMarcusMinetteMollyMotherMr. HilgardMrs. Victoria (D. Violet) • OttomoPanzerfaustPattyPenguin RefQueen NancyRachel WongReginaRiccardoRobertoRoxieSargeScythanaSeleneSinkerStanleyStiltsTaliesin (Muse) • TheodoreToadyTommy Ten-TonsVenusVitaleYu-WanMisc. (Juju)
Terminology SkullgirlSkull HeartParasiteLiving WeaponMedici MafiaAnti-Skullgirl LabsBlack EgretsCirque des CartesFishbone GangThe Last HopeThe Trinity
Stages Streets of New MeridianRiver King CasinoMedici TowerNew Meridian RooftopsRooftops AssaultNMO Arena | (Empty)Bath of Tefnut | (Sekhmet)MaplecrestNightmare CrestGrand Cathedral | (Empty)Final AtriumGehennaUnder the BridgeMeridian Area Rapid TransitLittle Innsmouth | (Night)Lab 8 | (Empty)Glass CanopyClass NotesNo Man's LandSound Stage 15BoardwalkThe Bunny BurrowHilgard's Castle | (Nightmare)
System HUDControlsBasic MechanicsAdvanced MechanicsChip damage
Game Modes VersusArt GalleryMarie 300%The Typing of the Skullgirls
Music Skullgirls Original SoundtrackSkullgirls The Original SoundtrackSkullgirls: The Complete SoundtrackSkullgirls Special Selection SoundtrackSkullgirls Deluxe Vinyl SoundtrackIn a Moment's TimeHitomi No Kioku
Character QuotesScriptsGalleriesRelationshipsMove Lists
Other Media SkullgirlSSkullgalsKeep Skullgirls GrowingDigital Art CompendiumSkullgirls (Webtoon)