Skullgirls Wiki
Things are crazy these days-- though you don't need me to tell you that.

Irvin (JP: アーヴィン Āvin) is a private detective working in the Canopy Kingdom. He is characterized as being stoic, taciturn and mysterious.

Ms. Fortune's Story[]

Irvin appears at the end of Nadia's story mode, after Yu-Wan has informed her that the Medici Mafia had kidnapped Minette along with the rest of the River King's daughters and some other Dagonian women. Irvin introduces himself as a private detective hired by the River King to save his daughters from the Mafia. He and Nadia begin to investigate the Mafia's motivation for kidnapping the girls and along with Yu-Wan prepare a rescue mission.

Big Band's Story[]

Irvin appears in a flashback of Big Band's days as a police officer. After Big Band defeats Ms. Fortune, Irvin tells him to back down, stating that she is an asset to his investigation. It is revealed that the two were partners and friends. Big Band tells Ms. Fortune he will come after her if anything happens to Irvin and they part ways.


  • Despite the fact he is armed and clearly a capable fighter, Irvin was one of the only characters that did not appear as a possible future playable character during the Indiegogo campaign. This, combined with the briefness of his appearance in the Skullgirl's story mode has lead fans to speculate that he will play a major role in some future Skullgirls project.
Main Editions SkullgirlsSkullgirls EncoreSkullgirls 2nd Encore
Spin-offs Skullgirls Mobile
Initial Roster Filia (Samson) • CerebellaPeacock (Avery) • ParasoulMs. FortunePainwheelValentineDouble
Encore DLC Squigly (Leviathan) • Big BandFukuaEliza (Sekhmet) • BeowulfRobo-Fortune
2nd Encore DLC Season 1: Annie (Sagan) • UmbrellaBlack DahliaMarie
Other AdamAeonAileenAlbusAmeliaAndy AnvilBeatrixBertBrain DrainChristmasDelilahDogDr. AvianDr. GeigerEasterEliEvelynFengFerdinandFlorenceGeorge BombGraberGrendelHallowHiveHoraceHubrechtIleumIrvinIsaacKing FranzKing GilgameshLawrenceLeducLeonLonesome LennyLorenzoMarcusMinetteMollyMotherMr. HilgardMrs. Victoria (D. Violet) • OttomoPanzerfaustPattyPenguin RefQueen NancyRachel WongReginaRiccardoRobertoRoxieSargeScythanaSeleneSinkerStanleyStiltsTaliesin (Muse) • TheodoreToadyTommy Ten-TonsVenusVitaleYu-WanMisc. (Juju)
Terminology SkullgirlSkull HeartParasiteLiving WeaponMedici MafiaAnti-Skullgirl LabsBlack EgretsCirque des CartesFishbone GangThe Last HopeThe Trinity
Stages Streets of New MeridianRiver King CasinoMedici TowerNew Meridian RooftopsRooftops AssaultNMO Arena | (Empty)Bath of Tefnut | (Sekhmet)MaplecrestNightmare CrestGrand Cathedral | (Empty)Final AtriumGehennaUnder the BridgeMeridian Area Rapid TransitLittle Innsmouth | (Night)Lab 8 | (Empty)Glass CanopyClass NotesNo Man's LandSound Stage 15BoardwalkThe Bunny BurrowHilgard's Castle | (Nightmare)
System HUDControlsBasic MechanicsAdvanced MechanicsChip damage
Game Modes VersusArt GalleryMarie 300%The Typing of the Skullgirls
Music Skullgirls Original SoundtrackSkullgirls The Original SoundtrackSkullgirls: The Complete SoundtrackSkullgirls Special Selection SoundtrackSkullgirls Deluxe Vinyl SoundtrackIn a Moment's TimeHitomi No Kioku
Character QuotesScriptsGalleriesRelationshipsMove Lists
Other Media SkullgirlSSkullgalsKeep Skullgirls GrowingDigital Art CompendiumSkullgirls (Webtoon)