-Skullgirls- Dazed Announcer
The voice of the Dazed Announcer (also originally known as the Drunk Announcer ) is provided by Joshua Tomar , exclusive to Skullgirls 2nd Encore .
This is an alternate voice pack available to use in place of the standard announcer voice , with the same announcer but different quotes in a dazed/drunk manner.
Character Selected [ ]
Audio Clip
Filia ! (When player selects Filia)
Uh, Filia I think...? (When player selects Filia or Fukua)
Ce-Cerebella ! (when player selects Cerebella)
The-the one with the arms! (when player selects Cerebella)
(drunk laugh) Peacock ! (When player selects Peacock)
(giggling) Paras-soul ! (When player selects Parasoul)
Mssssss. Fortune! (When player selects Ms. Fortune)
Painwheheheel ! (When player selects Painwheel)
Double (drunk giggle) (When player selects Double)
Ninja nurse! (When player selects Valentine)
(drunk laugh) Valentine ! (When player selects Valentine)
Is that a zombie? (When player selects Squigly)
Squigly ! (drunk giggle) (When player selects Squigly)
Big Band ! (When player selects Big Band)
Big dude! (When player selects Big Band)
Fuuukua (When player selects Fukua)
'Liza... (When player selects Eliza)
Beowulf ! (When player selects Beowulf)
Wulf, bro! (When player selects Beowulf)
(drunk laugh) Robot! (When player selects Robo-Fortune)
Roboooooooo-Fortune ! (When player selects Robo-Fortune)
Pre-round Introduction [ ]
Audio Clip
Ladies and gentlemen, it's...ssshowtime!
Ladies and gentlemen, it's...aaaaction!
No, you be quiet!
In viiino v-v-veritas!
H-Hit em' w-with the punch an-and kickssssss!
I can't wait to see this!
Oh is it starting!? Quiet!
Hey, I think they're gonna fight!
Who-Who will... Who'll be my ride home tonight?
Everybody bottoms up!
Ziggy-zaggy, ziggy-zaggy~!
Ready? Down the hatch!
You'll be ssssingin' when yourrrr winnin'!
Decid-(hiccup) the destiny.
Should we take this outside?... Are we outside?
Lessssee some fireworks!
Okay, go!
Toast to your health!
Pause [ ]
Audio Clip
Whoa whoa...hang on!
The room is spinnin'...
Oh? Eh? Are we stopping?
I've had too much juice, Serena.
W-wha happun?
Oh, we're back! (Unpaused)
Okay, get 'em! (Unpaused)
Fight! (Unpaused)
Win [ ]
Audio Clip
That's a wrap!
That was really-(belch) uhhhh... (Forgettable! or Barely!)
Wait, you didn't get hit at all?! (Perfect)
Whoa! I'll have what they're having!
Heeey, great job! ...Listen, can I get a ride home?
An overwhelmin-(hiccup) victory!
Come onnnnn, give someone else a turn!
Yes! Yeah, uh... yeah!
Aw, should've had money on that one!
Aww, maaaaaaan!
Uh, I guess that's it, then.
They got knocked down! Can they get up again?!
Loss [ ]
Round end [ ]
Audio Clip
You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. (Continue?)
Do over! Can we get a go over?! (Continue?)
Wait you're quitting? Nooo, duuude.... (Continue?)
Player 1 pays the tab!
Player 2 pays the tab!
References [ ]
The "Decide the Destiny" quote is from Fist of the North Star fighting game pre-round introduction.
"Is that a zombie" is a parody of the title of the anime/manga series Is This a Zombie.