Skullgirls Wiki
Cerebella offical render

Being Selected[]

Audio Clip
Can't turn down a fan!

Pre-round Introduction[]

Audio Clip
And now for the main attraction!
It's okay to be starstruck. [Chuckle]
Time for your curtain call.
Hang on to your hat.
Rock it!
They want more!
Head-gear is my gimmick! (vs Filia)
Do I have the right to remain violent? (vs Parasoul)
You can has cheeseburger! (vs Ms. Fortune)
I looooove a good freakshow. (vs Painwheel)
You do a killer impression! (vs Double)
Time to bust open a can of you! (vs Big Band)
Here, let me give you a hand! (vs Big Band)
Don't mess with the Medici! (vs Eliza)
I don't see why Vitale trusts you. (vs Eliza)
After this, can I have your autograph? (vs Beowulf)
How do I keep getting into fights with cats? (vs. Robo Fortune)
Don't try this at home, kid. (vs Umbrella)


Audio Clip
Put 'er there! (s.MP)
Gem... (s.HK, first hit) ...cutter! (s.HK, second hit)
Up... (s.HK, first hit) ...and over! (s.HK, second hit)
Nailed it! (s.HP)
Bonk! (s.HP)
Chin up! (c.HP)
Up y'go! (c.HP)
Oh, yeah! (s.MK)
Loop-dee-loop! (c.MK)
Comin' 'round! (c.MP)
Whoops! (c.HK)
Smack attack! (j.MP)
Drop kick! (j.MK)
Titan Knuckle! (Titan Knuckle)
Eat this! (Titan Knuckle)
Smile! (Titan Knuckle)
Back at 'cha! (Diamond Deflector)
Lookin' good! (Diamond Deflector)
I'll slap you... (Successful Excellabella)
...silly! (Landing final hit)
...senseless! (Landing final hit)
Gotcha.~ (Successful Excellabella)
Where'd you go? (Whiffed Excellabella)
Cere-rana! (Cere-rana)
Hold still! (The Flying Wisegirl)
Spin-to-win! (Cere-Copter)
Cere-Copter! (Cere-Copter)
Merry-Go-Rilla! (Merry-Go-Rilla)
'Round and 'round we go! (Merry-Go-Rilla)
Gonna take ya for a ride! (Merry-Go-Rilla)
Diamond... Drop! (Diamond Drop)
EXCELLENT! (Devil Horns)
Rock n' roll! (Devil Horns)
Try this on! (Grab Bag)
Ta-daaa! (Successful Grab Bag)
Bleeeaaahhhhhh... (Kanchou)
Heh, perfection! (Successful Pummel Horse)
Magnifique! (Successful Pummel Horse)
Diamond... Dynamoooooo! (Diamond Dynamo)
And now for something spectacular! (Ultimate Showstopper)
Get ready for a show stopper! (Ultimate Showstopper)
Here... we... GO! (Ultimate Showstopper)
A diamond is... FOREVER! (Diamonds are Forever)
A girl's best... FRIEND! (Diamonds are Forever)
As if. (Blocking)
Yeah, right! (Blocking)
No autographs! (Ground shot)
Get back! (Ground shot)
Hands off! (Burst/Throw tech)
I'm outta your league! (Burst)
Scared? (Medici Muscle [Taunt])
C'mon, babe.~ ❤ [Medici Muscle [Taunt])
Pour quoi? (Blocking)


Audio Clip
Go get 'em! (Switching out)
Adieu! (Switching out)
Filia! (Switching out with Filia)
You're up, headcase! (Switching out with Filia)
Parasoul! (Switching out with Parasoul)
Party's over! (Switching out with Parasoul)
Painwheel! (Switching out with Painwheel)
Go get them! (Switching out with Painwheel)
Valentine! (Switching out with Valentine)
Flatline 'em! (Switching out with Valentine)
Ms.Fortune! (Switching out with Ms.Fortune)
Double! (Switching out with Double)
Stunt double! (Switching out with Double)
Squigly! (Switching out with Squigly)
Big Band! (Switching out with Big Band)
Beowulf! (Switching out with Beowulf)
Eliza! (Switching out with Eliza)
Robo Fortune! (Switching out with Robo Fortune)
Maid service! (Switching out with Marie)
Go clean up! (Switching out with Marie)
Your turn, kid! (Switching out with Umbrella)
Can't turn down a fan! (Switching in)
That's my cue! (Switching in)
Good thing I dropped by! (Switching in)
About time, Moptop! (Switching in with Filia)
Just don't arrest me! (Switching in with Parasoul)
Run out of lives, kitty? (Switching in with Ms. Fortune)
What's wrong, winding down? (Switching in with Painwheel)
Duck, duck, goose! (Switching in with Umbrella)
Next act! (Outtake)
Step right UP! (Outtake)
Take a HIKE! (Outtake)


Audio Clip
Geez... (Ground recovery)
I've had worse. (Ground recovery)
On the ropes...! (Ground recovery)
No way! (Ground recovery)
Watch the face! (Ground recovery)
Lucky shot! (Ground recovery)
Give up? (Opponent recovery)
BOOOO! (Opponent recovery)
Had enough? (Opponent recovery)
Want some more? (Opponent recovery)
Did that sting? (Opponent recovery)
That felt good. (Opponent recovery)


Audio Clip
Did I do okay, Vitale?
Only the best for Vitale!
I expect a rave review!
You just got outshined!
The one... the only... Cerebella!
No, no, you're too kind!
Hats off to me!
How about that?!
The new 'do just isn't you. (vs Filia)
This ring's not big enough for the two of me! (vs Cerebella)
How tragic. (vs Peacock)
Learn from the best. (vs Peacock)
Shoulda called for backup. (vs Parasoul)
I'm a diamond you can't steal! (vs Ms. Fortune)
High-flyin', death defyin'! (vs Painwheel)
How the operating tables have turned! (vs Valentine)
Accept no imitations! (vs Double)
The Medici's don't need you! (vs Eliza)
So, you can still sign my hat... right? (vs Beowulf)
You weren't going easy on me, were ya? (vs Beowulf)
I wonder if he's recyclable... (vs Big Band)
That's how you clean house. (vs Marie)
I'm taking that Skull Heart to Vitale! (vs Marie)
Playtime's over, kid. (vs Umbrella)
I win! (Alpha build only)


Audio Clip
All that... practice...
Vita... le...
How can this be...?!
I hate... split ends...! (vs Filia)
I'm not a clown! (vs Filia, after she says "I thought clowns are funny?")
She stole my act... (vs Cerebella)
What's... wrong with you? (vs Peacock)
I can't believe it... (vs Parasoul)
I was robbed! (vs Ms. Fortune)
What's... wrong with me?!... (vs Ms. Fortune)
You're just... a puppet. (vs Painwheel)
She's too... strong. (vs Painwheel)
Call a... doctor. (vs Valentine)
You can't win...! (vs Valentine)
What... are you...? (vs Double)
I've been... replaced... (vs Double)
You'll... pay... (vs Eliza)
It was an honor....(vs Beowulf)
Where'd I go wrong?! (vs Umbrella)


Playable Fighters
FiliaCerebellaPeacockParasoulMs. FortunePainwheelValentineDouble
SquiglyBig BandFukuaElizaBeowulfRobo-FortuneAnnieUmbrellaBlack DahliaMarie
Voice packs
Playable Fighters
Anime PeacockSalty ParasoulValley Girl PainwheelPolitician DoubleSaxploitation Big BandSkullgirl UmbrellaGood Granny Black DahliaGoth Marie
Real Soviet AnnouncerFemale AnnouncerDazed Announcer
Skullgirls voice cast