Skullgirls Wiki
Amelia 1

Amelia Medici was Filia's mother, and the wife of Marcus Medici.

General Information[]

Amelia lived in Maplecrest with her husband and daughter. She allowed Filia to adopt a dog (unaware of Samson), under the condition Filia take responsibility for him. She is present when Marie attacks the family for revenge before Samson and Dog fight her off.

While packing to leave town, Vitale and Ottomo show up and accuse the family of working with Marie, seeing as their family was the only Medici spared and the only family to cut communications. Amelia attempts to calm Vitale, but fails as his temper rises. She and Marcus are then shot by Vitale, killing them.


She appeared to be a caring and responsible mother. Considering she agreed with her husband to cut ties with the Medici, she was most likely adverse to their criminal activity like Marcus.


Main Editions SkullgirlsSkullgirls EncoreSkullgirls 2nd Encore
Spin-offs Skullgirls Mobile
Initial Roster Filia (Samson) • CerebellaPeacock (Avery) • ParasoulMs. FortunePainwheelValentineDouble
Encore DLC Squigly (Leviathan) • Big BandFukuaEliza (Sekhmet) • BeowulfRobo-Fortune
2nd Encore DLC Season 1: Annie (Sagan) • UmbrellaBlack DahliaMarie
Other AdamAeonAileenAlbusAmeliaAndy AnvilBeatrixBertBrain DrainChristmasDelilahDogDr. AvianDr. GeigerEasterEliEvelynFengFerdinandFlorenceGeorge BombGraberGrendelHallowHiveHoraceHubrechtIleumIrvinIsaacKing FranzKing GilgameshLawrenceLeducLeonLonesome LennyLorenzoMarcusMinetteMollyMotherMr. HilgardMrs. Victoria (D. Violet) • OttomoPanzerfaustPattyPenguin RefQueen NancyRachel WongReginaRiccardoRobertoRoxieSargeScythanaSeleneSinkerStanleyStiltsTaliesin (Muse) • TheodoreToadyTommy Ten-TonsVenusVitaleYu-WanMisc. (Juju)
Terminology SkullgirlSkull HeartParasiteLiving WeaponMedici MafiaAnti-Skullgirl LabsBlack EgretsCirque des CartesFishbone GangThe Last HopeThe Trinity
Stages Streets of New MeridianRiver King CasinoMedici TowerNew Meridian RooftopsRooftops AssaultNMO Arena | (Empty)Bath of Tefnut | (Sekhmet)MaplecrestNightmare CrestGrand Cathedral | (Empty)Final AtriumGehennaUnder the BridgeMeridian Area Rapid TransitLittle Innsmouth | (Night)Lab 8 | (Empty)Glass CanopyClass NotesNo Man's LandSound Stage 15BoardwalkThe Bunny BurrowHilgard's Castle | (Nightmare)
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Music Skullgirls Original SoundtrackSkullgirls The Original SoundtrackSkullgirls: The Complete SoundtrackSkullgirls Special Selection SoundtrackSkullgirls Deluxe Vinyl SoundtrackIn a Moment's TimeHitomi No Kioku
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